Top 15 Ways To Say “Thanks But No Thanks” To Taking On More Work.

Hey There,

In the bid to be efficient and productive, we tend to take on more work that we can manage effectively. Fore some of us, the issue lies in rejecting the task from our superiors (who dish them out as orders rather than suggestions.) Today, we are suggesting 15 phrases that would assist you in dodging the bullet.

Disclaimer: These phrases are to be used ONLY and we mean ONLY when you have taken up more than you can handle or if the task you are being asked to take up affects your efficiency at work and your entire schedule as a whole. 

Thank Us Later!

#1 “No, but thanks for asking!”

#2 “Thank you, but let me get back to you.”

#3 “Sorry not now, maybe some other time.”

#4 “I simply just cannot say yes, I hope you understand.”

#5 “Thank you, but I am not the right person to be asking. Let me make some suggestions.”

#6 “Let me check a few things, but it would be best to plan on working without me.”

#7 “Before I can say yes, I would have to be very clear about what is expected.”

#8 “I’m sorry, I won’t be able to do it—but let me help you find someone who can.”

#9 “I can’t take on the whole task, but maybe I can help you with part of what you need.”

#10 “I seriously would love to help but I am unable to at this time.”

#11 “I’m sorry but there is already too much on my plate.”

#12 “Thank you for thinking of me, but unfortunately I will have to pass.”

#13 “I am not taking on any new commitments right now.”

#14 “I’m so sorry, I just cannot make it work.”

#15 “I wish I could help, but at the moment I just can’t.”

You have to learn to say these phrases confidently and respectfully as appropriate. Always remember that often times, saying no to someone, is saying yes to yourself!


PushCV Content Team.

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